Online Training
About Online Training
Somerset Music organises CPD (Continuing Professional Development) throughout the school year.
Previous training sessions have covered:
Primary Music Curriculum
Covering Expectations, Progression, Planning Documents and Deep Dives
Musical Notation for Beginners
For staff leading music or teaching music who find the thought of reading music notation daunting we cover the basics. We look at the expectations of notation for KS2 and use a variety of activities to help support understanding of notation reading. We arm you with supporting resources.
Please contact for further information.
Demystifying copying and arranging music
Wednesday 22nd March
4:30pm-5:30pm via Teams
We are pleased to invite Abigail D’Amore, Director of Every Copy Counts, to lead a session on Demystifying copying and arranging music.
This session will cover:
- The benefits of the Schools Printed Music Licence for you and your students with a focus on what you can do!
- How to submit data on the printed music you are copying and arranging
- Details on the exclusive free resources for your school that you can unlock by sharing data
- Learn about what support is available for you from the Every Copy Counts team to help you through this process
- Discuss any specific questions that you may have around what you can / can’t do in your school
This will be an informative, friendly session which will begin with a presentation and will have plenty of time for questions and discussions.
Please book a place via the form below.
Somerset Music Networking MeetingNEW National Plan for Music Education – Primary
Tuesday 20th September 2022 – Microsoft Teams
An online meeting to outline the main points of the new NPME published in June, the changes from the previous plan and the expectations for schools.
Please click here to book your place on the SSE website. Course code: SSE-MUS-OM-0922-T002
FINAL NPME networking presentation NPME Primary presentation Contact usNEW National Plan for Music Education – Secondary
Tuesday 20th September 2022 – Microsoft Teams
An online meeting to outline the main points of the new NPME published in June, the changes from the previous plan and the expectations for schools.
Please click here to book your place on the SSE website. Course code: SSE-MUS-OM-0922-T001
FINAL NPME networking presentation NPME Secondary presentation Contact usPhone us on 0300 1237364 or send us a message