Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET)
Find out what Somerset Music has to offer
School Performance
About Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET)
- Enables whole classes to learn a musical instrument together.
- Provides the opportunity for school-based staff to learn alongside their class to develop valuable musical skills and increase confidence.
- It is primarily aimed at Year 4 students although mixed classes and other KS2 year groups can be accommodated.
- Takes place during the school day and lasts 45-60 minutes (based on the number of children in the class)
- Puts the ensemble experience at the heart of musical learning.
- Gives all pupils the opportunity to play a musical instrument.
- Has a positive impact on student attendance, achievement and self- confidence.
Ukulele Group Lession
What does it involve?
- A complete musical experience including creative work, listening skills and performance
- A partnership between the school and the music service
- School based staff participation
- A springboard for sustainable instrumental teaching and learning
- A set of instruments in school (provided free of charge by Somerset Music)
Instrument Hire - Saxophone
What instruments can we learn with Somerset Music?
- Brass
- Guitar
- Samba
- Ukulele
- Taiko
- Djembe
- Strings
- Woodwind
If you are interested in WCET for your school, please contact us using the link